What makes ReJenerative Therapy stand out
About Rejenerative Therapy
Hi, I’m Jen, Welcome to ReJenerative Therapy where we offer a personalised Counselling & Wellbeing service to individuals and companies.
Myself & the team offer you our unique, blended, way of delivering you a personalised counselling service, integrating a variety of therapeutic approaches, enabling you to revive a sense of self, take control of your life, and get the results you are seeking. Our approach encapsulates mind, body and soul/spirit/energy whether you are seeking therapy for yourself, or are an employer searching how you can provide counselling and enhance your workforces wellbeing, ReJenerative therapy can help you.
For individuals we have a range of Counsellors, all with different levels of ability and have specialised within different areas, and with a variation in fee to fit your budget. You will also find a range of weekend and mid-week courses in The R & R Hub to enhance your understanding of yourself, including creative courses, art therapy, yoga, meditation, sound baths, and whatever floats our boat quite frankly that makes us feel good!! Your well being is our Goal.
For Employers we offer a range of services from Individual Counselling Sessions, to wellbeing training days for your staff, to cover a number of issues. Set here in the beautiful surroundings of the Red House Glass Cone it is a wonderfully relaxing setting to educate and motivate your staff into knowing how to care of themselves for a happier workforce, meaning less absence, and more efficiency.
We believe that the body keeps the score of our emotional self, and vice versa.
Our bodies have an amazing way of telling us how and where we hold our pain, causing us to be at dis-ease. We understand how change happens inside our mind and body, and can enable you to reconnect with yourself, befriend your body and bring in ease and happiness. Shedding old values and beliefs that no longer serve you, unleashing you from old habits, thought patterns, feelings, and unwanted behaviours. By tailoring a counselling package based on a preference of how YOU want to work, we can achieve the desired results.

What are you searching for?
- Do you want to gain control of your life?
- Resolve conflict and emotional difficulties?
- Wanting to ease unwanted habits, thoughts, phobias, or negative behaviours?
- Craving less stress and anxiety?
- Want to unleash yourself from a traumatic past and live a freer life?
If so, welcome…….you have just made the first move to reviving and regaining your life.
“Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ourselves.”
Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

ReJenerative Therapy offer my own unique, blended, way of delivering you a personalised counselling service, integrating a variety of therapeutic approaches, enabling you to revive a sense of self, take control of your life, and get the results you are seeking.
Rejenerative Therapy
74A Grange Rd
T 07883 012982
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